AIM and the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) have released a pair of reports detailing the role school-located vaccination clinics (SLVs) have played during the COVID-19 pandemic and opportunities for strengthening their use as adolescent COVID-19 and flu vaccination ramp up.
Decades of research have shown SLVs’ potential to increase vaccination coverage, but these reports are the first to provide insight into the SLV landscape during the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pair of reports outline findings of a Mathematica-conducted roundtable and environmental scan.
These reports offer schools and immunization partners interested in SLV tips for getting started and simplifying SLV operations during a pandemic. Key takeaways from the report demonstrate that SLVs can support a safe return to school and critical opportunities for flu and catch-up vaccination as children return to in-person learning.
Additionally, the report asserts SLV as an important strategy for promoting vaccine access and assuring equity. Learn more in our press release, or watch the School-Located Vaccination Symposium recording here.