How does food access and vaccine access connect? Watch the latest REACHing for Health Equity webinar recording to hear community leaders answer this question! The April webinar focused on promoting healthy nutrition habits and food hubs. It also featured a presentation by REACH recipients from Presbyterian Healthcare Services.
If you would like to learn more about partnerships between food hubs and vaccine clinics, listen to our April podcast episode: REACHing for Vaccine Equity Food Hubs & Vaccine Clinics – Presbyterian Community Health.
About REACHing for Health Equity
The REACHing for Health Equity series hosts monthly one-hour webinars that include a panel of REACH recipients, expert clinicians, patient advocates, community-based organizations/partners, and/or iREACH subject matter experts. Each month focuses on a specific chronic disease topic and how it connects with vaccine equity. Panelists will dive into accomplishments and challenges of working in communities to increase flu and COVID-19 vaccination rates and explore how these activities intersect with traditional REACH work on decreasing racial and ethnic disparities in chronic diseases and promoting healthy behaviors. In addition to this webinar series, iREACH hosts a monthly podcast that discusses the same topics. Learn more about our podcast, REACHing for Vaccine Equity, here.