AIM Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
Increasing Flu Vaccine Confidence Within African American Communities Webinar
On August 18, 2020, AIM hosted the second webinar in its Vaccine Confidence Webinar series. The webinar focused on recent research on flu vaccine uptake trends within African American communities and offered examples of public health partnerships supporting flu vaccine…
Comments on Recommendations for Improving the Core Sets of Health Care Quality Measures for Medicaid and CHIP
Letter to Operation Warp Speed Leadership
Reminder/Recall Webinar
During this webinar, Pfizer gave an overview of its free reminder/recall (RR) program, the Vaccine Adherence in Kids (VAKs) program, which offers multiple reminder recall components, including text messaging, phone calls, and direct mail communications to parents to encourage well…
WA SHO Testimony on Exemptions Bill (2019)
2019 Testimony of the Washington State Secretary of Health in support of a bill to eliminate the personal belief exemption for the measles, mumps, and rubella (or MMR) vaccine that is required for school and child care entry.
AMA Model Legislation for “Mature Minor” Consent
AMA discussion of implications of immunization policy regarding patient, parent, and physician relationships and informed consent. Furthermore, this document discusses the importance of coordination when administering vaccinations, emphasizing that vaccines should be administered in health care facilities.
ME Fact Sheet on Vaccine Safety
Fact sheet from Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention on vaccine safety.
CDPH Medical Exemptions Q&A
California Department of Public Health frequently asked questions about vaccinations and medical exemptions.