Merced County Department of Public Health: Free COVID-19 Vaccines! Help Stop the Spread English/Punjabi/Spanish Flyer

View a flyer, available in English, Spanish, and Punjabi, created by the Merced County Department of Public Health to promote a vaccination event at a local Sikh center in Merced, California. The department produced more than 700 social media posts related to COVID-19 and flu across Facebook and Instagram from January 2022 to June 2023. These posts, published mostly in English and Spanish, included mobile COVID-19 vaccination clinic event flyers and live-streaming video promotions. When additional language support was available, resources were translated into Hmong and Punjabi for clinics specifically aimed to increase vaccination among the Asian-American population. When the department partnered with local community-based organizations on COVID-19 and flu clinics, they included the organizations’ logos to increase publicity.

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