Explore evaluation-related checklists, tools, publications, and presentations organized by general evaluation topics. This inventory was assembled by AIM, in collaboration with Mathematica, and sent monthly to REACH recipients to support their evaluation work.
The topics cover evaluation and research basics and tools for tailoring communication and information on engaging community members as emphasized in the community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach.
Dissemination Methods
Bridging the Qualitative/Quantitative Software Divide: National Library of Medicine
- Article describing mixed-methods research and merging SPSS quantitative data with ATLAS.TI qualitative data
Choosing a Statistical Test – Quantitative Analysis Guide: New York University
- New York University’s tool for choosing an appropriate statistical test for quantitative research
- Johns Hopkins’ document comparing pros and cons of popular qualitative data coding software tools
Quantitative Analysis Tools – Data Analysis: Georgetown University
- Georgetown University’s list of software evaluators used for quantitative analysis
Developing a Dissemination Plan
- University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development Community Tool Box’s guide on developing a plan for communication
- CDC’s guide on evaluation reporting that describes the connection between communication methods and delivering information that is valuable and actionable to audiences
- The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s (IHME) evaluation of immunization programs administered by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
- CDC’s program evaluation guide, covering the importance of sharing evaluation results and methods of dissemination
Qualitative and Quantitative Tools
- University of Washington Northwest Center for Public Health Practice’s training on inclusive data visualization
- Johns Hopkins University’s presentation on sharing evaluation results through a curated “rolodex” of email recipients
- Article on tips for developing and delivering effective presentations
- Public Health Communications Collaborative’s guide on developing accessible social media materials for public health including, alt text and image descriptions using a screen reader or other assistive technology
Evaluation Checklists and Tools
EvaluACTION | VetoViolence: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- CDC’s interactive evaluation plan and logic model builder
Evaluation Checklists | The Evaluation Center: Western Michigan University
- Western Michigan University’s evaluation checklists to help guide each step of the evaluation process
Information Gathering Mechanisms: National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)
- The NACCHO Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) matrix to help evaluators compare the pros and cons of different data collection methods
Self-Assessment for Evaluators: CDC
- CDC Performance and Evaluation Office’s self-assessment tool used to measure an evaluators capacity to conduct an evaluation
Including Program Participant Voices in the Evaluation Process
A Step-by-Step Guide to CBPR: Nevada Minority Health & Equity Coalition
- The Nevada Minority Health & Equity Coalition guide to CBPR approach
- An overview on how to evaluate intervention research by outlining methods for assessing the effectiveness of interventions through systematic evaluation processes
- Explains the use of participatory evaluation as an approach that actively involves stakeholders in the evaluation process
- Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation publication on the importance of working with the communities being studied to design and conduct an evaluation
Plain Language and Inclusive Writing for Evaluations
Advancing Health Equity: a Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts: American Medical Association
- The Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Medical Association’s publication on how to use language that promotes health equity and discusses particular words that are the subject of ongoing discussion in terms of how they are used
Everyday Words for Public Health Communication | The CDC Clear Communication Index: CDC
- CDC’s Everyday Words for Public Health Communication tool that supplies alternative language for public health jargon
Plain Language Materials & Resources | Health Literacy: CDC
- A handout from the CDC which provides guidelines for creating health materials using plain language to ensure that information is easily understandable and accessible to diverse audiences
Using a Health Equity Lens | Gateway to Health Communication: CDC
- CDC compilation of key concepts to consider when writing about health disparities and public health implications
What is plain language?: plainlanguage.gov
- A compilation of templates, checklists, and writing guidelines with info on using plain language in communications
Evaluation Basics
- Explains how to conduct focus groups to assess community needs and resources through structured group discussions
- CDC briefs on analyzing qualitative data
- CDC briefs on analyzing quantitative data
Evaluation methods: Evaluation in Health and Wellbeing: GOV.UK
- The UK Office for Health Improvement and Disparities resource on defining qualitative and quantitative research applicable research tools to collect both types of data
What is Mixed Methods Research? | John W. Creswell: University of Michigan
- Presentation by John W. Creswell, Ph.D., on mixed methods research and the role of qualitative and quantitative research
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
Centering Equity in Program Evaluation: Department of Health and Human Services
- Administration for Children and Families’ report on how to design and conduct an evaluation that helps to advance equity
Chapter 36. Introduction to Evaluation | Community Toolbox: University of Kansas
- A comprehensive overview of evaluation, including its purpose, types, and processes
- Example of a completed evaluation plan from University of Kansas’ Community Toolbox
Framework Step 2 Checklist | Program Evaluation: CDC
- CDC evaluation framework, which focuses on describing the program by detailing its components, goals, and activities to create a clear understanding of what is being evaluated
What is Program Evaluation? A Beginner’s Guide: Evaluation.gov
- The resource defines program evaluation, describes tools that you might use in a program evaluation, describes types of program evaluations, and includes other evaluation resources