International HPV Awareness Day is recognized annually on March 4 to spread awareness about the importance of HPV vaccination. AIM has partnered with the HPV Roundtable to develop a video encouraging providers and parents to recognize their essential roles in HPV vaccination of adolescents and young adults.
In this International HPV Awareness Day Toolkit, find resources to support and promote the importance of HPV vaccination.
Please email us with questions or comments.
International HPV Awareness Day Video
AIM and the HPV Roundtable have produced a video featuring Dr. Nicole Baldwin and Kimberly Williams. Dr. Baldwin has a special message for health care providers, and Kimberly is a cervical cancer survivor with a message for parents.
Our video is now live! Please consider sharing this video on your own social media channels and tag us. Let’s get back on track with HPV vaccination. This video is available with Spanish subtitles. Please click on the CC box in the lower right corner of the video to enable this feature.
International HPV Awareness Day Talking Points
International HPV Awareness Day Press Release

International HPV Awareness Day Social Media Toolkit
AIM’s social media toolkit is intended to help share International HPV Awareness Day messages. This toolkit provides templates for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter platforms. Messaging is encouraged to be shared in the weeks leading up to March 4, the day of, and the weeks following.

International HPV Awareness Day Social Media Toolkit - Spanish
AIM’s Spanish social media toolkit is intended to help share International HPV Awareness Day messages. This toolkit provides templates for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter platforms. Messaging is encouraged to be shared in the weeks leading up to March 4, the day of, and the weeks following.
International HPV Awareness Day Graphics
Please find graphics to include with social media posts for International HPV Awareness Day. The social media toolkit includes recommendations on which images to use with each post.
International HPV Awareness Day Graphics - Spanish
Please find graphics, translated to Spanish, to include with social media posts for International HPV Awareness Day. The social media toolkit includes recommendations on which images to use with each post.