Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium/Patient Navigator Training Collaborative: Motivational Interviewing for Health Care Providers Training Workbook

View a motivational interview guide and training presentation collaboratively created by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Patient Navigator Training Collaborative. The resource informs influential messengers, health care providers, and workers about best practices for communicating about vaccine decision-making. This is a recommended internal document for people working with communities and includes tips on how to conduct culturally informed interviews with the Alaska Native and American Indian population as it relates to creating change on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. The team shared that feedback on this training was mixed. Many people really liked the training and took away a lot of new skills. Other attendees felt like the training included information that they already use, making the training not as helpful. However, some attendees liked learning that there were names for the techniques they had been using. Based on this, the team is working to adapt an online learning module to use in the future.

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