AIM Policy Summary: May 13, 2022

Each week, AIM staff compile new and moving legislation in jurisdictions all over the country.

This legislative summary is for the week of May 13, 2022.

Please Note: AIM is striving to monitor fast-moving state legislative developments. The information included in this summary may not be comprehensive and is subject to change. Please consult the linked jurisdiction websites for the most up-to-date information on each bill. If you are aware of missing information, please notify us. For individualized support, contact AIM Chief Policy and Government Relations Officer Brent Ewig. AIM would like to thank ASTHO for the ongoing partnership and support that makes these summaries possible and invite you to check out AIM’s Policy Toolkit for more legislative resources.

Enacted Legislation

COVID-19, Mandates and Exemptions

  • GA SB 345 was enacted on 5/3/22. This bill prohibits any governmental entity from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination to access services.

Movement on Existing Bills

Parental/Minor Consent

  • CA SB 866 passed the Senate and was sent to the Assembly on 5/12/22. This bill allows minors aged 12 and older to consent to vaccines without the consent of their parents.


  • CO HB 22-1401 was sent to the Governor on 5/11/22. This bill is related to health facility preparedness. In addition to other matters, it would authorize fines of up to $10,000 per day for a hospital’s failure to have the number of necessary vaccines available to administer its emergency plan.

Gaining Media Attention

  • California-based medical freedom groups expressed outrage at the Senate passing CA SB 866. Save California and California Health Coalition Advocacy were vocal on social media against the legislation and stated plans for future calls to action.
  • During a House session on 5/3/22, Representative Mary Franson introduced A12, a proposed amendment to the bill MN SF 4410, to study and help compensate those allegedly injured by the COVID-19 vaccines. The amendment failed to pass with 63 yes votes and 66 no votes.
  • LA HB 47, a bill that requires any communication issued to students or parents relative to immunization requirements, including exemption information and an exemption form, is moving forward with support from Health Freedom Louisiana. The group issued a call to action and urged followers to sign up for updates by texting BRAVER to 50457 or filling out a form.
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