2024 National Influenza Vaccination Week Social Media Toolkit

Sample posts for National Influenza Vaccination Week 2024

From December 2-6, join AIM in building awareness for National Influenza Vaccination Week #NIVW! The CDC hosts this awareness week annually to remind everyone 6 months and older that there’s still time to get a flu vaccine. Flu vaccines are the best protection against serious flu disease that can cause hospitalization and even death.

Together, we can use NIVW as a nationwide call to action. Help protect our communities by encouraging flu vaccinations through sharing the following social media posts on your platforms.

If you have questions about the toolkit, want to co-brand, or need help getting started, please reach out to us. 

How to use this toolkit

The social media templates provided in this toolkit will help you create social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and Threads. Each post has been designed specifically for each platform and will fall within the platform’s specifications. If there are other platforms you want to use, we encourage you to adjust the messages to fit the requirements of that platform.

We encourage you to tailor the messages and graphics provided in this toolkit for your specific audiences. One way to edit the message for your specific audience is to select a different influenza resource link to include in the post. Another way to edit the sample messages is to include hashtags your audience follows.

Sample Message 1: Disease/Dangers of Flu

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Each winter, thousands of Americans die from flu. The flu vaccine is the best protection. To keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, get vaccinated during National Influenza Vaccination Week! #FightFlu #NIVW
  • Instagram
    • Each winter, thousands of Americans die from flu. The flu vaccine is the best protection. To keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, get vaccinated during National Influenza Vaccination Week! #FightFlu #NIVW
  • X/Threads
    • Each winter, thousands of Americans die from flu. The flu vaccine is the best protection. To keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, get vaccinated during National Influenza Vaccination Week! #FightFlu #NIVW

Sample Message 2: Flu Vaccination

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • This National Influenza Vaccination Week, protect yourself against the flu. Did you know that you may be able to choose a nasal spray vaccine instead of a shot? A nasal spray flu vaccine may be an option for certain people 2-49 years old; be sure to ask your doctor if you qualify. Whether it’s the flu shot or nasal spray, it’s critical that everyone 6 months and older receive the flu vaccine. Make a plan and get your vaccination today!
  • Instagram
    • This National Influenza Vaccination Week, protect yourself against the flu. Did you know that you may be able to choose a nasal spray vaccine instead of a shot? A nasal spray flu vaccine may be an option for certain people 2-49 years old; be sure to ask your doctor if you qualify. Whether it’s the flu shot or nasal spray, it’s critical that everyone 6 months and older receive the flu vaccine. Make a plan and get your vaccination today! #NIVW #flu #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • This National Influenza Vaccination Week, protect yourself against the #flu. Did you know that you may be able to choose a nasal spray vaccine instead of a shot? Ask your doctor! It’s critical that everyone 6 months+ receive the flu vaccine. Make a plan to get yours! #FightFlu

Mensaje 2: Vacuna contra la Gripe

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Esta Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Gripe, ¡protégete! ¿Sabías que puedes elegir una vacuna nasal en aerosol, en lugar de una inyección? Una vacuna nasal en aerosol contra la gripe puede ser una opción para ciertas personas entre 2 y 49 años de edad. Asegúrate de preguntarle a tu médico si eres candidato para recibir este tipo de vacuna. Ya sea en inyección o nasal en aerosol, es fundamental que todas las personas mayores de 6 meses reciban esta protección. ¡Haz un plan y vacúnate hoy mismo!
  • Instagram
    • Esta Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Gripe, ¡protégete! ¿Sabías que puedes elegir una vacuna nasal en aerosol, en lugar de una inyección? Una vacuna nasal en aerosol contra la gripe puede ser una opción para ciertas personas entre 2 y 49 años de edad. Asegúrate de preguntarle a tu médico si eres candidato para recibir este tipo de vacuna. Ya sea en inyección o nasal en aerosol, es fundamental que todas las personas mayores de 6 meses reciban esta protección. ¡Haz un plan y vacúnate hoy mismo! #NIVW #flu #FightFlu #CombateLaInfluenza
  • X/Threads
    • Esta Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Gripe, ¡protégete! ¿Sabías que puedes elegir una vacuna nasal en aerosol en lugar de una inyección? ¡Pregúntale a tu médico! Toda persona mayor de 6 meses debe protegerse contra la #gripe. ¡Haz un plan y vacúnate ya! #FightFlu #NIVW
vacunas diponibles contra la gripe semana nacional de la vacinacion contra la influenza gripe

Sample Message 3: Flu Vaccination

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • National Influenza Vaccination Week is a great time to get your flu vaccination. It is not too late to get your flu vaccination in December if you have not already received it this season. It can reduce your chances of getting sick with the flu and protect the people around you. Help keep your community safe from the flu and get vaccinated. #NIVW #flu #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • National Influenza Vaccination Week is a great time to get your flu vaccination. It is not too late to get your flu vaccination in December if you have not already received it this season. It can reduce your chances of getting sick with the flu and protect the people around you. Help keep your community safe from the flu and get vaccinated. #NIVW #flu #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • It’s National Influenza Vaccination Week—perfect time to get your flu shot if you haven’t already! Vaccination can lower your chances of getting the flu and protect those around you. Let’s work together to keep our community healthy. Get your flu vaccination today! #NIVW #Flu #FightFlu

Mensaje 3: Vacuna contra la Influenza (gripe)

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • La Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza es un buen momento para considerar los muchos beneficios de esta forma de protección: Puede reducir tus posibilidades de contraer gripe, salvar a personas de todas las edades y proteger a quienes te rodean. Vacúnate y ayuda a mantener nuestras comunidades a salvo de la gripe. #NIVW #flu #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • La Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza es un buen momento para considerar los muchos beneficios de esta forma de protección: Puede reducir tus posibilidades de contraer gripe, salvar a personas de todas las edades y proteger a quienes te rodean. Vacúnate y ayuda a mantener nuestras comunidades a salvo de la gripe. #NIVW #flu #FightFlu #CombateLaInfluenza
  • X/Threads
    • La Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza es buen momento para conocer los beneficios de la #vacuna. Reduce tus posibilidades de contraer #gripe, salva a personas y protege a quienes te rodean. Vacúnate y ayuda a mantener comunidades a salvo de la gripe #NIVW #FightFlu

Sample Message 4: Flu and COVID-19 Vaccinations

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Did you know? The flu vaccination can be given at the same time as other vaccination, including those that protect against COVID-19. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, save time by scheduling your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations at the same appointment. If you have questions, contact your healthcare provider. #FightFlu #NIVW
  • Instagram
    • Did you know? The flu vaccination can be given at the same time as other vaccinations, including those that protect against COVID-19. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, save time by scheduling your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations at the same appointment. If you have questions, contact your healthcare provider. #FightFlu #NIVW
  • X/Threads
    • #DYK the #flu #vaccine can be given at the same time as other vaccines, including #COVID19. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, save time by scheduling flu and COVID-19 vaccinations at the same appointment. #FightFlu #NIVW

Message 5: Flu Vaccination for Ages 50+

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Did you know? If you’re over 50, the flu vaccination can be given at the same time as other vaccinations, including those that protect against COVID-19, shingles, RSV, and pneumonia. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, save time by scheduling vaccinations at the same appointment. If you have questions, contact your healthcare provider. #FightFlu #NIVW
  • Instagram
    • Did you know? If you’re over 50, the flu vaccination can be given at the same time as other vaccinations, including those that protect against COVID-19, shingles, RSV, and pneumonia. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, save time by scheduling vaccinations at the same appointment. If you have questions, contact your healthcare provider. #FightFlu #NIVW
  • X/Threads
    • #DYK, if you’re 50+, the #flu #vaccine can be given at the same time as other vaccines, including #COVID19, shingles, RSV, & pneumonia. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, save time by scheduling vaccinations at the same appointment. #FightFlu #NIVW

Sample Message 6: Flu Vaccination and Pregnancy

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Pregnant? National Influenza Vaccination Week is a great time to get your flu vaccination! The flu vaccine protects both the pregnant person and the baby. Flu vaccines are safe for pregnant and postpartum people and help keep families healthy. Find more information here: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/spotlights/2022-2023/benefits-flu-vaccination-pregnancy.htm #NIVW #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • Pregnant? National Influenza Vaccination Week is a great time to get your flu vaccination! The flu vaccine protects both the pregnant person and the baby. Flu vaccines are safe for pregnant and postpartum people and help keep families healthy. Find more information on the CDC’s website. #NIVW #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • Pregnant? National Influenza Vaccination Week is a great time for your #flu vaccination! The flu #vaccine protects both the pregnant person & the baby, is safe, & helps keep families healthy. Find more at: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/spotlights/2022-2023/benefits-flu-vaccination-pregnancy.htm #NIVW #FightFlu

Sample Message 7: Myth Busters

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Don’t fall for the myth that the flu is “no big deal.” Since 2010, CDC estimates show that flu-related hospitalizations in the U.S. have ranged from 140,000 to 710,000 annually, with flu-related deaths between 12,000 and 56,000 each year. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, protect yourself and your loved ones by getting vaccinated. Healthy people need flu vaccinations too! #FightFlu #NIVW
  • Instagram
    • Don’t fall for the myth that the flu is “no big deal.” Since 2010, CDC estimates show that flu-related hospitalizations in the U.S. have ranged from 140,000 to 710,000 annually, with flu-related deaths between 12,000 and 56,000 each year. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, protect yourself and your loved ones by getting vaccinated. Healthy people need flu vaccinations too! #FightFlu #NIVW
  • X/Threads
    • Don’t believe the myth that the flu is “no big deal.” Since 2010, the CDC estimates 140K-710K annual hospitalizations and 12K-56K deaths in the U.S. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, protect yourself and your loved ones—get vaccinated! Healthy people need flu shots too! #FightFlu #NIVW

Mensaje 7: Mitos al descubierto

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Una idea errónea y común es que la gripe “no es gran cosa”, pero eso no es cierto. Incluso en una persona sana, la gripe puede provocar daños graves. La mejor protección contra la gripe es la inmunización. Protégete a tí mismo y a tus seres queridos esta Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza ¡vacunándote! #FightFlu #NIVW
  • Instagram
    • Una idea errónea y común es que la gripe “no es gran cosa”, pero eso no es cierto. Incluso en una persona sana, la gripe puede provocar daños graves. La mejor protección contra la gripe es la inmunización. Protégete a tí mismo y a tus seres queridos esta Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza ¡vacunándote! #FightFlu #NIVW #CombateLaInfluenza
  • X/Threads
    • Una idea errónea y común es que la #gripe “no es gran cosa”, pero sí lo es. Incluso en una persona sana, la gripe puede provocar daños graves. Protégete a tí y a tus seres queridos, vacunándote esta Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza. #FightFlu #NIVW

Sample Message 8: Myth Busters

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Worried about the flu shot? Rest assured, it doesn’t contain the live flu virus, so it can’t make you sick. Any side effects are minor compared to the discomfort of actually getting the flu. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, take a stand against the flu by scheduling your vaccination. Protect yourself and your community—let’s fight the flu together! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • Worried about the flu shot? Rest assured, it doesn’t contain the live flu virus, so it can’t make you sick. Any side effects are minor compared to the discomfort of actually getting the flu. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, take a stand against the flu by scheduling your vaccination. Protect yourself and your community—let’s fight the flu together! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • The flu shot doesn’t contain live flu virus and can’t make you sick. Side effects are minor compared to getting the flu. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, schedule your vaccination and help us fight the flu! #NIVW #FightFlu

Mensaje 8: Mitos al descubierto

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • La vacuna contra la gripe no contiene el virus vivo de la gripe y no puede enfermarte. Los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, como dolor en el brazo o molestias leves, son comunes y generalmente desaparecen en pocos días. ¡Únete a la lucha contra la influenza este año, programando tu cita durante la Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • La vacuna contra la gripe no contiene el virus vivo de la gripe y no puede enfermarte. Los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, como dolor en el brazo o molestias leves, son comunes y generalmente desaparecen en pocos días. ¡Únete a la lucha contra la influenza este año, programando tu cita durante la Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza! #NIVW #FightFlu #CombateLaInfluenza
  • X/Threads
    • La #vacuna contra la #gripe no tiene el virus vivo y no te enferma. Los efectos secundarios, como dolor en el brazo o molestias leves, desaparecen en pocos días. ¡Únete a la lucha contra la gripe programando tu cita en esta Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Gripe! #FightFlu

Sample Message 9: Flu Vaccinations for Older Adults

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Did you know that the flu can hit older adults the hardest? If you’re over 65, or if you’re taking medications that weaken your immune system, a higher dose or “adjuvanted” flu vaccine might offer the best protection. Talk to your healthcare provider to find the right flu shot for you. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, make sure to schedule your vaccination and stay protected! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • Did you know that the flu can hit older adults the hardest? If you’re over 65, or if you’re taking medications that weaken your immune system, a higher dose or “adjuvanted” flu vaccine might offer the best protection. Talk to your healthcare provider to find the right flu shot for you. This National Influenza Vaccination Week, make sure to schedule your vaccination and stay protected! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • #DYK? Older adults and those with weakened immune systems may benefit from a higher dose or “adjuvanted” flu vaccine. Talk to your provider to find out what’s best for you. Schedule your flu shot during National Influenza Vaccination Week! #NIVW #FightFlu

Mensaje 9: Vacuna contra la gripe para adultos mayores

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • ¿Sabías que las personas mayores de 65 años suelen ser quienes sufren la mayor carga de enfermedad grave por la gripe? Los estudios muestran que los adultos mayores deben recibir una dosis más alta o una vacuna contra la gripe con adyuvante para obtener la mejor protección. Habla con tu médico o farmacéutico sobre la mejor opción de vacuna. ¡Programa tu vacuna durante la Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • ¿Sabías que? Las personas mayores de 65 años suelen ser quienes sufren la mayor carga de enfermedad grave por la gripe. Los estudios muestran que los adultos mayores deben recibir una dosis más alta o una vacuna contra la gripe con adyuvante para obtener la mejor protección. Habla con tu médico o farmacéutico sobre la mejor opción de vacuna. ¡Programa tu vacuna durante la Semana Nacional de Vacunación contra la Influenza! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • ¿Sabías que las personas mayores de 65 años pueden enfermarse de gripe con más gravedad? Ellos deben recibir una dosis más alta o una vacuna contra la gripe con adyuvante para obtener la mejor protección. ¡Habla con tu médico o farmacéutico y vacúnate! #NIVW #FightFlu

Sample Message 10: Flu Vaccinations for Adults with Chronic Medical Conditions

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Did you know? The flu can make underlying medical conditions worse. Encourage loved ones with chronic medical conditions to get vaccinated and to talk to their healthcare provider about getting the flu shot. #NIVW #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • Did you know? The flu can make underlying medical conditions worse. Encourage loved ones with chronic medical conditions to get vaccinated and to talk to their healthcare provider about getting the flu shot. #NIVW #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • #DYK? Encourage loved ones with chronic medical conditions to get vaccinated and to talk to their healthcare provider about getting the flu shot. #NIVW #FightFlu

Sample Message 11: Flu Vaccinations for Adults from Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • Did you know that flu complications hit Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian or Alaskan Native communities the hardest? Higher rates of severe illness, hospitalizations, and even death are linked to long-standing social and health inequities. But there’s good news: getting a flu vaccination is a powerful way to protect yourself and your loved ones from these serious risks. Don’t wait—schedule your flu shot now and help make a difference during National Influenza Vaccination Week! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • Did you know that flu complications hit Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian or Alaskan Native communities the hardest? Higher rates of severe illness, hospitalizations, and even death are linked to long-standing social and health inequities. But there’s good news: getting a flu vaccination is a powerful way to protect yourself and your loved ones from these serious risks. Don’t wait—schedule your flu shot now and help make a difference during National Influenza Vaccination Week! #NIVW #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • #DYK? Flu complications can be more severe for Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian or Alaskan Native communities due to health inequities. Protect yourself—get your flu vaccination during National Influenza Vaccination Week! #NIVW #FightFlu

Sample Message 12: Flu Vaccinations for Children

  • Facebook/LinkedIn
    • 178 children died from the flu last year. Most of those deaths were in healthy children and might have been prevented with a flu vaccination. The best protection against flu for your child is a flu vaccination. During National Influenza Vaccination Week, take time to get your child the protection they need. Find supporting data here: https://gis.cdc.gov/GRASP/Fluview/PedFluDeath.html #NIVW #FightFlu
  • Instagram
    • 178 children died from the flu last year. Most of those deaths were in healthy children and might have been prevented with a flu vaccination. The best protection against flu for your child is a flu vaccination. During National Influenza Vaccination Week, take time to get your child the protection they need. Find supporting data on Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality on CDC’s FluView webpage. #NIVW #FightFlu
  • X/Threads
    • 178 children died from the flu last year. Most of those deaths were in healthy children and might have been prevented with a flu vaccination. During #NIVW, get your child the protection they need. Find supporting data here: https://gis.cdc.gov/GRASP/Fluview/PedFluDeath.html #FightFlu
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