AIM Statement in Support of HHS Bridge Access Program For COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments to Maintain Access to COVID-19 Care for the Uninsured

AIM released a statement on the Biden Administration’s Bridge Access Program For COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments to Maintain Access to COVID-19 Care for the Uninsured.

AIM Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine Safety

Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) Executive Director Claire Hannan has issued this statement regarding recent comments made across public health regarding COVID19 vaccine development and forthcoming distribution.

Immunization Program Leaders Call for Federal Investment in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Preparation

AIM is urging Congress to invest in three key areas to strengthen the nation’s immunization infrastructure to prepare for mass vaccination against COVID-19.

AIM Statement on Vaccine Storage and Management

The effectiveness of vaccines depends on proper storage and handling from manufacture to administration.

Statement on Senate Health Care Bill Potential Elimination of PPHF

AIM statement on the Senate’s Proposed Elimination of Prevention and Public Health Fund Would Cripple Immunization Efforts Nationwide

Recommendations on VFC Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Distribution

AIM offers recommendations and guidance to awardees to distribute VFC seasonal influenza vaccine to provider offices early in the influenza season and to reduce missed opportunities for VFC providers to vaccinate against influenza.

AIM Encourages Collaboration & Investment in Immunization and Emergency Preparedness Programs to Prepare for Next Pandemic

AIM applauds Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health for its findings in support of collaboration between immunization and emergency preparedness programs.

Recommendations for Vaccine Shortage/Influenza Vaccine Management in Centralized Distribution System

AIM's AIM Vaccine Distribution Working Group developed this checklist/set of recommendations for handling vaccine shortage/influenza vaccine management in a centralized distribution system.

Recommendations and Lessons Learned From the 04-05 Flu Season

AIM offers recommendations based on lessons learned from the 2004-2005 flu season to improve successful flu vaccination.
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