Kansas: Door to Needle

It was observed, during AFIX visits, That multiple members of the clinical staff have interactions with patients and their families prior to attending  their actual appointment. In many clinics, these earlier interactions involved pulling records and assessing eligibility for vaccine…

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New York: Using an Immunization Information System (IIS) to Achieve Compliance with Vaccines for Children Storage and Handling Requirements

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) required providers participating in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program to use standalone or biological pharmaceutical grade refrigerators and freezers for vaccine storage and continuous digital data logger (DDL) thermometers to monitor…

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New Jersey: Hot Shots for Tots Immunization Campaign

To protect against outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases, New Hersey has instituted immunization requirements for preschool and school attendance. Immunization requirements for school and child care entry exist in New Jersey statutes and regulations. The Vaccine Preventable Disease Program developed…

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Nebraska: Tribal Sub-Award

The Nebraska Immunization Program identified the need for more robust inclusion of tribal entities. To meet this need, the program developed a process to provide funding to conduct immunization activities through an RFA process for each of the four federally…

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