Routine Vaccination Catch-Up Webinar

AIM hosted a peer connect exchange webinar on November 12, 2020 focused on strategies for addressing routine vaccination catch-up during the pandemic. Dr. Melinda Wharton from CDC joined to share recent data and resources and AIM Research and Development Director…

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Reminder/Recall Webinar

During this webinar, Pfizer gave an overview of its free reminder/recall (RR) program, the Vaccine Adherence in Kids (VAKs) program, which offers multiple reminder recall components, including text messaging, phone calls, and direct mail communications to parents to encourage well…

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QI in the Changing Healthcare Landscape

On November 5, 2019, AIM partnered with Sanofi Pasteur to host a webinar reviewing how the changing healthcare landscape impacts providers’ quality improvement (QI) efforts and how these changes can help immunization programs increase immunization goals rates, improve IIS participation,…

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