AIM Policy Summary: August 5, 2022

Activity has slowed as remaining legislative sessions come to a close. Through the summer, AIM staff will compile new or moving legislation in jurisdictions.

AIM Champion Award 2022 Announcement

The 2022 AIM Champion Award is kicking off soon! AIM is excited to recognize individuals contributing to public health through their immunizations roles.

AIM Bylaws

AIM Bylaws Revised February 17, 2016 ARTICLE I – NAME, VISION and MISSION The name of this corporation is the ASSOCIATION OF IMMUNIZATION MANAGERS (“Association”). AIM Vision: A nation free…

About AIM

The Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) is dedicated to establishing a nation free of vaccine-preventable disease. AIM members are the leaders of state, local, and territorial immunization programs—directing the public…

Reminder/Recall Program

AIM's reminder/recall (RR) program aims to increase immunization rates by assisting members in designing and coordinating reminder/recall postcard mailings.

AIM Policy Summary: April 22, 2022

Legislation related to school requirements and mandates progressed in four states. Read up on the latest legislation in jurisdictions compiled by AIM staff.
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