Save-the-Date: Get Jazzed!

Join AIM for our Leadership in Action Conference and 25th Anniversary Celebration!

Where is AIM’s 2024 conference? We are excited to head back to New Orleans, Louisiana! The conference will be at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans (there is an AIM room block that will be opening soon, stay tuned!)

When is the conference?

The AIM conference is Tuesday, December 10 – Thursday, December 12, with optional pre- and post-conference activities noted below.

Pre-conference activities: Monday, December 9

  • Optional Monday night welcome (TBD)
  • Executive Committee Meeting (for Executive Committee members only)

Post-Conference Activities (for members and staff only): Thursday, December 12 – Friday, December 13

  • Hot Topics II & Regional Meetings (Thursday afternoon) – included in conference registration fee
  • Post-conference training “Leadership in Action: Managing an Immunization Program” (Friday morning) – additional fee of $1000

Who attends the AIM conference? Typically, we have 250-300 attendees which includes the 64 jurisdictional immunization program managers (AIM members) and their staff, CDC staff and leadership, nonprofit partners, and corporate alliance members.

How much is the conference registration fee?
$800 early-bird (through November 15)
$850 regular (November 16 – December 9)
$950 on-site (December 10 – 12)

How do I register?

Registration will be opening soon, we will announce it through AIM communications, and the link will be posted on this page.

How can I book a room at the conference hotel? AIM has secured a room block (for government and non-government rooms) at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. We will be posting a link to book your room soon. Please DO NOT book a room outside of our room block.

Is there a conference agenda yet? Please see the draft agenda here, and note that items are subject to change. Please reach out if you need something to submit for your travel request or have any questions.

The conference consists of leadership development training, collaborative meeting opportunities with colleagues, face-to-face time with CDC and other federal partners, and networking opportunities with partners in the immunization space.

Can my company/organization exhibit at the AIM conference?

If you are interested in exhibiting, please email Rachel Van Gundy.

What if I have other questions?

Please reach out to Mackenzie Melton and Kristy Westfall, the AIM conference co-chairs.

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