Program Practice Database

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  • All materials submitted will be posted on the AIM website.
  • Bull's-Eye Award

    The Bulls-Eye Award for Innovation and Excellence in Immunization recognizes immunization strategies that “hit their mark” and achieve immunization goals with special consideration for practices that are innovative and easily replicated. Each year, AIM awards three programs the Bull’s-Eye Award.
  • Program Practice Information

  • Provide up to 5 main terms or phrases that describe the practice.
  • If yes, please include reference below.
  • Describe the scope of the immunization need or problem.
  • Program Practice Description

  • If "yes" or "limited" provide any data that is available
  • All materials will be posted on the AIM website
  • Upload any files to complement your submission
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    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Sharing your best practices help other program managers overcome challenges they face in their work. See what AIM members have been up to and submit a program practice that works in the form above. Examples of these resources include infographics, fact sheets, newspaper articles, partnership tools, marketing materials, vendors, and other resources that program managers can use.

    Washington: Healthy Kitsap Campaign

    Washington implemented the “Healthy Kitsap Campaign” to counter local misinformation and highlight trusted local voices.

    Pennsylvania: iREACH Project with Community Champions

    Pennsylvania collaborated with community champions in Hispanic and Latino communities to create materials to increase adult vaccination rates.

    California: Combatting Misinformation Through a WhatsApp Chatbot

    The California Department of Public Health utilized WhatsApp to reach Latino communities with correct information about COVID-19 vaccination.

    Connecticut: Mobile Vaccination Clinics

    The Connecticut Department of Public Health implemented a mobile clinic program for two years to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Connecticut communities.

    Minnesota: Non-Traditional Minnesota Vaccination Locations

    The Minnesota Department of Health utilized child-centric locations to host COVID-19 vaccination clinics.

    Mississippi: COVID-19 Community Vaccination Program (CCVP)

    The Mississippi State Department of Health sought to address vaccination barriers by identifying “vaccine deserts” and targeting populations in these locations.
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