The Program Practice Database is a peer sharing platform for AIM members and partners. This database shares innovative and successful promising practices for immunization programs to review and gain inspiration.

Featured program practices address topics such as adult immunizations, school requirements, storage and handling, and more.

What’s in the database?

  • Factsheets
  • Infographics
  • Marketing and social media materials
  • Sample documents
  • Other resources that immunization programs can use

See what AIM members and partners have shared by clicking on any of the practices listed below. Use the search bar or filter by programmatic areas, locations, or years.

  • Fill out and submit this form offline by downloading the form here.
  • (Used only to contact you regarding your submission)
  • If you are not an immunization program, please list your organization's name.
  • All materials submitted will be posted on the AIM website.
  • Bull's-Eye Award

    The Bulls-Eye Award for Innovation and Excellence in Immunization recognizes immunization strategies that “hit their mark” and achieve immunization goals with special consideration for practices that are innovative and easily replicated. Each year, AIM awards three programs the Bull’s-Eye Award. To learn more about AIM's Bull's Eye Award, please visit our awards page.
  • Program Practice Information

  • Provide up to 5 main terms or phrases that describe the practice.
  • If yes, please include reference below.
  • Describe the scope of the immunization need or problem.
  • Program Practice Description

  • If "yes" or "limited" provide any data that is available
  • All materials will be posted on the AIM website
  • Upload any files to complement your submission
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 GB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Sharing your best practices can help other immunization programs find solutions to challenges to improve and enhance their program. Expand the plus symbol to fill out a program practice submission form.

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