Washington: Department of Health COVID-19 Vaccine Access in Long-Term Care Facilities




Utilize partnerships and coordination to ensure that long-term care residents and staff in Washington have access to COVID-19 vaccines.


In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Washington had over 4,700 long-term care facilities with more than 67,000 residents. The vast majority of these facilities, 96%, had minimal to no resources to coordinate or provide immunizations to their residents and staff onsite. Further, the logistics of transporting residents offsite for vaccination made onsite vaccination services preferable.


Planning to provide onsite vaccination to long-term care facilities in Washington began in May 2020 when the Washington Department of Health met with the Department of Social and Health Services, the long-term care facility regulation agency. Starting in July 2020, meetings began with facility member organizations, including LeadingAge WA, the Washington Health Care Association, and the Washington State Pharmacy Association. These weekly meetings aimed to create an integrated plan to ensure vaccine access to residents and staff of long-term care facilities. Planning included identifying gaps in coverage and education and connecting facilities to resources. Direct outreach through email was utilized to provide updates, assist in planning, and support registration of the long-term care facility in the CDC/Pharmacy vaccination plan with CVS and Walgreens. Further, staff from many facility member organizations met to plan and coordinate their work to ensure vaccine access to all long-term care facilities. Direct mailing and mobile teams were also utilized in outreach efforts.


The primary dose series of the COVID-19 vaccine was completed in all long-term care facilities in March 2021 for all residents and staff who wanted a vaccine. Washington was ranked fourth through the Commonwealth Fund in areas reflecting progress in vaccinating residents, hospitalization rates, and COVID-related mortality. Further, Washington ranked third in lowest excess mortality. Ongoing partnerships with member organizations, state agencies, and pharmacies have been key to the program’s success.

Supplemental Materials

Years: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Locations: Washington

Programmatic Areas: Adult Immunization, Communication, COVID-19, Partnerships

Key Words: Communication, COVID-19, Health Equity, outreach, Partnership

Evidence Based: Yes

Evaluations: Yes

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