Arkansas: School-located Flu Clinics

The Arkansas Department of Health has been conducting school-located flu clinics in most public schools across the state since 2005.  For the 2017-2018 flu season and when adding in private schools and a few daycares, there were 1,706 clinic sites held with 133,060 doses of flu vaccine administered.  School-located flu clinics are being conducted again this year.

In addition, county-wide mass flu clinics are held in each of the 75 counties each season.  During the 2017-2018 flu season, 207,749 doses were given in over 80 sites statewide.   As each of the 92 local health departments is centrally governed by the State Office, policy and resources are provided at the state level.  Local health departments utilize existing staff along with some, including volunteers and student nursing programs.  Vaccine costs are supported through the use of Section 317, State, VFC, and SCHIP funding.

Years: 2018

Locations: Arkansas

Programmatic Areas: school immunizations

Key Words: influenza

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