In Rhode Island, the program maintains a partnership with the hospitals and utilizes VFC site visits to provide hospitals with updated information on policies and procedures regarding vaccine storage, handling, and administration. The unique feature of the site visits are that they are held with the pharmacy and each of the hospital units that store vaccine, including the lead pharmacist and nurse managers on the pediatric, nursery, and adult patient units. The visits are conducted at all hospitals in RI annually. Visiting with the pharmacy and hospital units allows the program to assess training needs and ensure that all policies and procedures are followed. For more information about the site visits and to read testimonials from RI partners…
Rhode Island: VFC Site Visits in the Hospital Setting
Associated Files: Rhode Island VFC Visits in Hosp Prog Prac - June 2016
Years: 2016
Locations: Rhode Island
Programmatic Areas: VFC requirements
Key Words: vaccine storage and handling, VFC site visit
Evidence Based: Yes
Evaluations: Yes