North Dakota: Immunization Program Collaboration with the North Dakota Ryan White Program

The Ryan White program provides primary healthcare and support services to individuals diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. Individuals living with HIV/AIDS are recommended to receive additional immunizations above what is normally recommended for their age group, as they are a population that is more vulnerable to disease. Immunization coverage rates among this population in North Dakota are low.  The ND immunization program partnered with the Ryan White program to increase immunization coverage rates among Ryan White clients.  The IIS was used to determine the vaccination coverage rates for this group as well as to determine which vaccines each individual participant still needed and a standard reminder/recall letter was sent to the case managers for the Ryan White clients.  As a result of this initiative, immunization coverage rates for this population increased for most vaccines. 

Years: 2017

Locations: North Dakota

Programmatic Areas: Adult Immunization, IIS

Key Words: IIS, Partnership, reminder recall

Evidence Based: Yes

Evaluations: Yes

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