New York: Resources to Combat Misinformation


The New York government created website resources for the public to combat misinformation about COVID-19 illness and vaccines.


Misinformation about the COVID-19 virus and COVID-19 vaccines pose a threat to public health, as mediating viral spread depends on as many people getting vaccinated as possible. Misinformation can dissuade vaccine uptake, potentially reducing the overall rate of vaccination. The New York government acknowledged these issues and decided to act.


The New York state government published a webpage titled “Combatting Information About the COVID-19 Vaccines” containing information about myths, frequently asked questions, and resources about COVID-19. The webpage also includes suggestions about how individuals can combat the spread of COVID-19 misinformation, the difference between misinformation and disinformation, and data about COVID-19 in the state of New York. One of the webpages is dedicated to providing information for parents and guardians seeking to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines for children ages six months and older. Frequently asked questions include topics such as COVID-19 vaccine safety, differences between available vaccines, differences between vaccine variants, non-vaccination risks, and vaccine accessibility. The webpage debunks specific myths about the COVID-19 vaccine, such as the rigor of vaccine research and testing and side effects such as infertility and DNA alteration. COVID-19 resources include a discussion guide, posters, fliers, and graphics formatted for use on social media. These resources are intended to be used by the public.


Resources combatting misinformation can directly address questions the public has about the COVID-19 vaccine and its safety. Additionally, pre-made resources made by the state of New York for public distribution reduces the burden for other organizations, providers, and individuals making their own resources, and ensures that the resources available are specifically tailored to the needs of New York’s public health.

Supplemental Resources

Years: 2023

Locations: New York

Programmatic Areas: Adolescent Immunization, Adult Immunization, Communication, COVID-19, Public Health Functions

Key Words: Communication, COVID-19, Health Promotion, Immunization Education, outbreak management, public awareness, public immunization data, social media

Evidence Based: No

Evaluations: No

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