Washington: IIS Proof of Vaccination


Washington Department of Health


Provide a way for residents in the state of Washington to contact the Washington Department of Health directly to submit vaccination information and receive proof of vaccination and vaccine QR codes.


Providers in the state of Washington were having a difficult time keeping up with updating IIS due to the large influx of COVID-19 vaccines administered. As a result, information on IIS was often incomplete or inaccurate. This posed a problem for residents as IIS information was required to obtain official proof of vaccination, and QR codes were required for employment, travel, and general activities.


The Washington Department of Health began by obtaining permission from the Washington Attorney General to allow Department of Health nurses to verify COVID-19 vaccine card validity and IIS entry. Once approved, a REDCap Survey was created to gather information and vaccine card uploads to be reviewed. Further, a tool was designed to automatically handle responses to the public and notifications to the Washington Department of Health, as well as provide translations in 42 languages. An internal process was created with two teams verifying and entering information and responding to constituents.

The project began in October 2021, and the tool was implemented in January 2022.  There was no outside funding for the project.


Within the first six months of launch, this program practice boasts a 97% entry rate to IIS.  This practice provided a streamlined way for Washington residents to obtain necessary proof of vaccination.

Supplemental Materials

Years: 2021, 2022

Locations: Washington

Programmatic Areas: COVID-19, IIS

Key Words: COVID-19, IIS, quality improvement

Evidence Based: Yes

Evaluations: No

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