Washington: COVID-19 Vaccine Action Command and Coordination System (VACCS) Center


Create a collaborative team of private-sector public health organizations and the Department of Health to meet the vaccination needs of the public during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Department of Health lacked the resources and personnel to carry out widespread vaccination efforts in the state of Washington efficiently and safely. Private sector organizations lacked the influence to coordinate vaccination efforts. The goal of distributing a minimum of 45,000 COVID-19 vaccine was daunting for both groups. There was no framework in existence to support the level of response that was required to achieve the vaccination goals.


The Vaccine Action Command and Coordination System created a system of collaboration between the Department of Health and private organizations seeking to help with COVID-19 vaccination efforts. The program began in January 2021 and spanned until June 2021. Funds were supplied by FEMA, and there were more than 50 partners involved, including Amazon, Lyft, Microsoft, Moderna, and Google. This program specifically sought to reach those with health disparities and vaccine inequities. Partners assisted with technological supply allocation improvements and workstream projects in the areas of technology, data, communication, business, supply logistics, and deployment.


Partnerships with private sector organizations allowed the Department of Health to surpass its daily goal of 45,000 in just one month. The collaboration ensured that the conducted activities were both efficient and high quality. Community engagement, feedback, and team diversity became key aspects of achieving vaccine access and equity.

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Years: 2021

Locations: Washington

Programmatic Areas: COVID-19, Partnerships, Public Health Functions

Key Words: COVID-19, Health Equity, Partnership

Evidence Based: No

Evaluations: No

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