Colorado continues to rank at the bottom of immunization coverage rates in the United States. For the 2018-2019 school year, Colorado’s kindergarten coverage rate for the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was 87.4%, a 1.3% decrease from the previous year when Colorado ranked as the worst state in the nation. Per Executive Order B 2019 006 (June 12, 2019) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s strategic plan, Colorado is perusing initiatives in an effort to reverse the downward trend.
Colorado: IIS Kindergarten MMR Dashboard
Associated Files: CO Program Practices Submission Form - 2019
Years: 2019
Locations: Colorado
Programmatic Areas: Adolescent Immunization, IIS, Schools
Key Words: Adolescents, IIS, Mumps, public immunization data, school immunizations, Schools
Evidence Based: Yes