Washington State hosted a social media awareness campaign encouraging hepatitis B immunization and testing starting with birth-dose vaccination. A hashtag (#BhepBfree) was created to attach to all messaging, and partners and supporters could include the hashtag as well. To increase awareness of the importance of vaccination and testing of hepatitis B, during National Hepatitis Awareness Month in May 2016, the social media campaign was released with weekly targeted messages, videos, and images tailored around specific immunization activities and audiences. Messages were posted in 3 native languages. The campaign successfully increased hepatitis B awareness.
Washington: #BhepBfree – Hepatitis B Social Media Awareness Campaign
Associated Files: WA DOH Be HepB Form Only
Years: 2016
Locations: Washington
Programmatic Areas: Hepatitis B
Key Words: Cultural Competence, perinatal Hep B, public awareness, social media
Evidence Based: Yes
Evaluations: Yes