Wisconsin: Adult Vaccine Community Partnership

In recent years, Wisconsin local health departments (LHDs) have noticed a decline in the number adults seeking immunization services. This resulted in concern regarding community protection against vaccine preventable diseases as well as the ability for LHDs to retain their immunization skill set without routinely immunizing clients. With unacceptably low hepatitis A vaccination rates among adults aged 18-49 years in Wisconsin (11.7%) and adults not visiting their LHDs for immunizations it became apparent that LHDs would need to meet at risk underserved adults where they were at, which is in the community setting.

Associated Files: VFA Community Outreach Nomination

Years: 2019

Locations: Wisconsin

Programmatic Areas: Adult Immunization, Hepatitis A, Partnerships

Key Words: local health department, outreach, provider education, provider training, public awareness

Evidence Based: No

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