Aluminum Adjuvants Talking Points

Vaccines include ingredients to help them do their work. Each ingredient used to make a vaccine has a specific purpose. Certain ingredients, just like preservatives in foods, help keep vaccines safe from contamination and toxins that could make us sick.

COVID-19 Vaccines in Adolescents

Vaccines include ingredients to help them do their work. Each ingredient used to make a vaccine has a specific purpose. Certain ingredients, just like preservatives in foods, help keep vaccines safe from contamination and toxins that could make us sick.

HHS Fact Sheet on Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccine ingredient facts from a federal government Website managed by the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy, U.S. Department of Health and…

AIM Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine Safety

Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) Executive Director Claire Hannan has issued this statement regarding recent comments made across public health regarding COVID19 vaccine development and forthcoming distribution.
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