California: Combatting Misinformation Through a WhatsApp Chatbot
The California Department of Public Health utilized WhatsApp to reach Latino communities with correct information about COVID-19 vaccination.
The California Department of Public Health utilized WhatsApp to reach Latino communities with correct information about COVID-19 vaccination.
The Connecticut Department of Public Health implemented a mobile clinic program for two years to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Connecticut communities.
The Minnesota Department of Health utilized child-centric locations to host COVID-19 vaccination clinics.
The Mississippi State Department of Health sought to address vaccination barriers by identifying “vaccine deserts” and targeting populations in these locations.
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts developed an intervention to help healthcare providers communicate with parents on vaccinating against COVID-19.
The Kids Deserve a Shot program was expanded to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates in children ages 5 to 11.
To boost COVID-19 vaccination uptake in school aged children, the governor and education agency in Vermont launched a school incentive program.
Vermont Public utilized their podcast platform to tell the real-life stories of children who were part of the COVID-19 vaccine trials.
The Vermont Department of Health and Vermont chapter of AAP partnered to develop Facebook Live information sessions for parents about COVID-19 vaccines.
Science museums in Massachusetts (MA) leveraged their scientific authority to hold community COVID-19 vaccination clinics.