ND Testimony on HB 1377
Testimony from North Dakota IP, Molly Howell, on House Bill 1377 which allows for immunization exemptions for any reason if a vaccine is…
Testimony from North Dakota IP, Molly Howell, on House Bill 1377 which allows for immunization exemptions for any reason if a vaccine is…
This webinar provided a legislative update, tips for managing the 2021 legislative session, and a background on mandates.
The guidance provided by ACIP is extremely valuable and will help jurisdictions make decisions. The balanced considerations for preventing death and supporting societal function help provide context to the phased rollout.
Guidance on subsequent priority groups is needed immediately. Jurisdictions are working now to plan for vaccine allocations coming in the next month.
Testimony of Vaccinate Your Family Executive Director Amy Pisani in favor of Connecticut HB 5044, which would eliminate all non-medical vaccine exemptions for…
We want to offer our support, expertise, experience, and partnership, which we believe will be crucial to planning and executing a successful national COVID-19 vaccine program.
2019 Testimony of the Washington State Secretary of Health in support of a bill to eliminate the personal belief exemption for the measles,…
AMA discussion of implications of immunization policy regarding patient, parent, and physician relationships and informed consent. Furthermore, this document discusses the importance of…
Fact sheet from Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention on vaccine safety.
California Department of Public Health frequently asked questions about vaccinations and medical exemptions.