March 8, 2021

ROI Brief – The Value of Vaccine Programs

Digestible brief from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the International Vaccine Access Center on new return on investment estimates from…

February 23, 2021

VYF 2021 State of the ImmUnion Report

Vaccinate Your Family report on the state of immunizations in the US. Includes a focus on importance of rebuilding our public health infrastructure…

February 21, 2021

CT Testimony on HB 7005 (2019)

2019 testimony from Connecticut Commissioner Raul Pino on House Bill 7005, an act prohibiting the acknowledgement of parental statements of religious objections to…

February 16, 2021

ND Vaccine Facts for the Legislature

This document was created by the North Dakota Immunization Program for legislators with facts about vaccines. It covers a wide variety of topics…

February 1, 2021

CT Testimony on Data Regarding IZ Rates

2017 testimony from the Connecticut Department of Public Health on Senate Bill 840 which would allow the Department to provide unidentifiable, aggregate data…

February 1, 2021

OR Testimony on Senate Bill 869

2017 Testimony from OR IP on Senate Bill 869, which requires providers to distribute the VIS, explain vaccine risks and benefits, and make…

February 1, 2021

MN: Analysis on Informed Consent Bill

Analysis of Minnesota bill requiring 1) VIS distribution, 2) written consent before vaccination, 3) VAERS reporting, 4) providers to send the commissioner a…

January 26, 2021

ND Legislator Education on HB 1469

Document provided by ND IP, Molly Howell, to legislators in response to House Bill 1469. HB 1469 requires the State Department of Health…

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