National Hepatitis Testing Day

Join the CDC and AIM on May 19 in promoting the 10th annual National Hepatitis Testing Day. Follow and tag @cdchep on Twitter…

Adult Hepatitis B Vaccination Day

April 30 is Adult Hepatitis B Vaccination Day. The hepatitis B vaccine is a safe, effective vaccine that protects against the hepatitis B…

April Corporate Alliance Webinar (AIM)

Corporate Alliance members, please make sure to join AIM Executive Director Claire Hannan on Friday, January 28, from 12:30-1:00 PM ET to hear the latest on the immunization program landscape and ongoing COVID-19 AIM activities.

March Corporate Alliance Webinar (AIM)

Corporate Alliance members, please make sure to join AIM Executive Director Claire Hannan on Friday, January 28, from 12:30-1:00 PM ET to hear the latest on the immunization program landscape and ongoing COVID-19 AIM activities.

January Corporate Alliance Webinar (AIM)

Corporate Alliance members, please make sure to join AIM Executive Director Claire Hannan on Friday, January 28, from 12:30-1:00 PM ET to hear the latest on the immunization program landscape and ongoing COVID-19 AIM activities.
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