2022 AIM Officers and Executive Committee
Congratulations to AIM’s newly-elected Officers and Executive Committee! These peer-nominated leadership positions were voted in during the December 17, 2021, AIM Annual Business Meeting. A special thank you to our Executive Committee members rotating off this year, Shannon Bennet (NV) and Dave McCormick (IN), for all of your dedication and hard work. We are very excited about the new year!
AIM Officers
Chair: Kathy Kudish (CT)
Chair-Elect: Amber Tirmal (Phila)
Secretary-Treasurer: Tom McCleaf (PA)
AIM Executive Committee:
Ron Balajadia (HI)
Emily Messerli (KY)
Monife Stout (USVI)
Heather Roth (CO)
Molly Howell (ND)
Matt Bobo (AK)
Stephanie Schauer (WI)
Kurt Seetoo (MD)
Stephen White (SC)
Rich Lakin (UT)